I'm in lacrosse club activity in NUFS. I practice three times a week. Lacrosse looks like a cute sport. But lacrosse is very powerful and exciting sport!I'm absorbed in lacrosse. During this summer vacation, lots of lacrosse games will be held. Please come to grounds to watch lscrosse games(^∀^) I'm sure that you come to like lacrosse.
I'm in lacrosse club activity in NUFS. I practice three times a week. Lacrosse looks like a cute sport. But lacrosse is very powerful and exciting sport!I'm absorbed in lacrosse. During this summer vacation, lots of lacrosse games will be held. Please come to grounds to watch lscrosse games(^∀^) I'm sure that you come to like lacrosse.
・・・・・ Game Schedule・・・・・
8/23(Sat) Nufs VS Aichi university @Inaei ground
8/30(Sat) Nufs VS Gifu university @Inaei ground